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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by Trilateral Dynamics via the Platform including the website located at
This Privacy Policy governs TD’s provision of the Services (online and offline) and your use of the Platform. 
1 What information do we collect? 
The kind of personal information that we collect from you will depend on how you use the Platform. The personal information which We collect and hold about you may include. 
(a)Name and personal contact details including email, phone number and address; 
(b)Payment details; 
(c)IP address and the date and time of your access to our website; and 
(d)Communications from you including survey responses, testimonials, feedback or complaints.
2 How we collect your personal information 
We may collect personal information from you whenever you input such information into the Platform.  
We also collect cookies from your computer which enable us to tell when you use the Platform and also to help customise your Platform experience. As a general rule, however, it is not possible to identify you personally from our use of cookies.
3 Purpose of collection 
The purpose for which we collect personal information is to provide you with the best service experience possible on the Platform. 
By providing your survey responses, testimonials, feedback or complaints, you grant to us a royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to use and incorporate into the Platform any general suggestions, enhancement requests, testimonials, recommendations or other feedback provided by you. 
We customarily disclose personal information only to our service providers who assist us in operating the Platform. Your personal information may also be exposed from time to time to maintenance and support personnel acting in the normal course of their duties. 
By using our Platform, you consent to the receipt of direct marketing material. We will only use your personal information for this purpose if we ha e collected such information direct from you, and if it is material of a type which you would reasonably expect to receive from use. 

We do not use sensitive personal information in direct marketing activity. Our direct marketing material will include a simple means by which you can request not to receive further communications of this nature.
4 Access and control of your personal information 
You have the right to request access to your personal information and to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information. You may also have the right under applicable data protection laws to request the deletion of your personal information or in some circumstances, to restrict or object to the processing of your personal information. If you would like to request such access, correction, 
deletion or restriction, please contact us as set out below.
5 Security
We process personal information on our servers in Australia, and you consent to your personal information being processed and stored in that location.
We acknowledge that we will take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorised access to or unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information. These measures may include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and 
security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorised access to systems where we store personal information.
We do not warrant that these security measures will prevent any unauthorised access to or unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of the data. We disclaim all liability in relation to any unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of data that is outside our reasonable control.
We will notify you within 72 hours and without undue delay of any: 
actual breach of security, which when reasonably suspected poses a risk to the security, confidentiality or integrity of your personal information; or actual unauthorised access of any personal information; 
which is likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms.
6 Complaint procedure
If you have a complaint concerning the manner in which we maintain the privacy of your personal information, please contact us as set out below. We may seek further information from you to clarify your concerns. If we agree that your complaint is well founded, we will, in consultation with you, take appropriate steps to rectify the problem. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may 
refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
7 Overseas transfer
Your personal information will not be disclosed to recipients outside Australia unless you expressly request us to do so. If you request us to transfer your personal information to an overseas recipient, the overseas recipient may have laws which are different and potentially not as protective as the laws of your own country. In the circumstances, we do not require the overseas recipients to comply with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and we will not be liable for any mishandling of your information in such circumstances.
8 How to contact us about privacy
If you have any queries, or if you seek access to your personal information, or if you have a complaint about our privacy practices, you can contact us on

9 Governing law 
This Privacy Policy and any contract to which they apply shall be governed by the laws of New South Wales and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.


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